Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pride Day is coming up

And once again, I am going to have a booth at the fairgrounds, selling my artwork.

I encourage everyone to go to these events. Call me idealistic, but I truly believe the best cure for prejudices is for people to get to know each other.

I have been trying to explain transgender to someone I know. He insists that a t-girl is just "a man pretending to be a woman". I think, if he met my transgendered friend Julia, that he would see that she is indeed a "she", no matter what's under the skirt.

I can try to explain eight ways till Tuesday, how Julia is not pretending to be something she is not, but being what she really is. Bob won't get it. But Julia herself is a simple explanation. Spend a few hours with Julia, and it makes sense. She doesn't even have to talk about transgender.


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