Monday, May 18, 2020


The ability to think about how you think.
Some people seem to lack that.

We've all seen it.  Someone has concluded that this chair will fit in that car, and is trying to put it in there.  They try through the door, through the hatchback, right side up, upside down, and sideways.  It doesn't fit.  Onlookers can see that it won't fit, and may tell the person so, but they keep trying.

Sometimes this is admired as "determination", but that's not what is going on.   It's difficulty in re-assessing.  This individual is unable to switch from making the chair fit to finding another way to get the chair home.  Sometimes, they will even resort to damaging the chair to follow their initial plan.  The important mental process of, "Could I be mistaken?" is not happening.

Once metacognition clicks in, problem solving can advance. 

Without metacognition, someone who has decided they like a particular person, political party, program or platform will continue to try to make their ideals fit into reality just as ineffectually as the sad case trying to cram a sofa into a smartcar.  They'll look just as stupid, and make as little progress toward their goals.

The ability and willingness to re-assess is crucial to survival.

Is the person you voted for last time still a good choice?  Have they changed?  Have the issues changed?  Are the decisions you made in March still wise in May?

Is your relationship really working?  Has the person you concluded that you love changed?  Have you changed?  Have your needs or their needs changed?

Is the career you chose in high school still a good fit for you?  Does that pile of "collectibles" still have any value?  Is alcohol still a good choice?  Are you sure that Nigerian Prince is honest?

Time to think about what you think.


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