Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Thoughts on the Abortion Issue

Pro-life and Pro-choice are two views that will NEVER be reconciled. The debate centers around whether or not a fetus has a soul. This is something that can never be determined by science, or by faith.

Even legislation will never be able settle the issue. No matter what laws are made, there will be protests, and efforts to change it.

However, I would think both sides of the issue could agree on one thing. Abortion is a tragedy.

The fact that an abortion takes place means that a pregnancy, which should be a cause for celebration and anticipation, has become a cause for fear and doubt.

From that viewpoint, wouldn't the solution to the abortion debate be to prevent unwanted pregnancies? Then, whether or not a fetus has a soul is moot.

But no, they disagree on how to do that. One side wants to teach birth control, and intelligent sex, the other wants people to wait until they are married to have sex at all.

Again, it is the battle between moral stricture, and personal choice.

Personally, I can't see why anyone who wants to see an end to abortion would want to deny people access to birth control.

"Abstinence only" ignores the well documented fact of the "weakness of the flesh". Fercrissake, it's described in their own holy book.

Why can't the approach be, "Wait until you are married, but if you DO fall to the weakness of the flesh, here is how to limit the damage."

(I have never liked the idea of keeping information from people for their own good. Separate rant on that later.)

A "good girl" doesn't carry a condom in her purse, because she does not intend to have sex. So, if does have sex, she can say, "It just happened... I didn't mean to." What a set up.

How about this concept: The good girl DOES carry a condom in her purse, as a tool to keep herself a virgin. Really! A guy who does not respect her is not going to want to use the condom. Demanding use of the condom can slow down a seduction, and give the girl a chance to regain control of the situation. Then, if the weakness of the flesh is too much, even for this, at least there is less chance of unwanted pregnancy and disease.

Sex education should include use of contraceptives, and why using them is a sign of self-respect.

Besides, to my point of view, the idea of two virgins marrying, and vowing to only have sex with each other for the rest of their lives is sort of..... kinky!

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