Saturday, April 18, 2020

Anger is a malfunction.

Something or someone doesn't behave the way we expect, and we become angry.  It never helps.  Stopping to assess the situation, and moving to problem solving, is what is needed.

These people make us angry.  Does it help the situation to be mad at them?  Even if they could see our anger, would it change them?  Probably not.

If we look at this situation without anger, what DO we feel?

I feel pity.  I see that these people are afraid.

They are afraid that the rest of the world thinks like they do.

They despise "poor people".  They are afraid of becoming poor, because that would make them despicable. 

They are afraid of losing "their liberty" because they know how they treat disenfranchised people.  

They see their power and influence fading, and they are terrified, because they only know their own paradigm. 

Perhaps a better response to them would be to try to reassure them that we don't think like they do.  Perhaps we can try to see them as fellow human beings who need our emotional support.  They've gone mad, but they're not rabid dogs.  Hating them won't fix anything.

Getting angry and attacking these people will only more solidly confirm their biases.  They think we want to devour them.  We don't.  All we really want is for them to let us be.

How can we persuade them that the danger is not from us?  What can we do to reassure these people, so they will calm down, and go home?
