Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Meaning of Life.

Life is a gift. You are not a body with a soul, you are soul with a body.

Life was given to us for the same reason you give a a gift to a friend. Because you think they will enjoy it, and use it. There is no other purpose or meaning to it.

Don't keep your life in the closet, wear it and use it. See what you can do with it. Taste, smell, see, hear and touch things. Talk to other souls in other bodies. Ride roller coasters, climb up on rocks. Paint pictures.

Every body comes with a slightly different "kit". Find out what your kit is. You might have the Mountain Climber kit, or the Philosopher's kit, or the Mother kit. There are millions of different kits. If you have the Philosopher kit, you will have great difficulty being a Mountain Climber.

The only way to figure out what kit you have is to try things. Some of us know what kit we have from an early age, some of us don't figure it out for a long time.

Figuring out your body's abilities, and developing new skills is fun! Using these abilities to see how much you can do with them is fun, too. Enjoy your life. When the body finally wears out, and we have to go back to wherever it was we came from, we can go to the Person who gave us the life, and say, "That was great! I really enjoyed that life!"

And the Person will smile.
